As well as having retail pricing in Linnworks you can utilise channel-specific prices in Linnworks to use on different channel listings. This can be found in My Inventory > Product Details > Listing Descriptions
Where the Retail Price is found in My Inventory > Product Details > General tab.
The Price Change function, which uses channel-specific price entries and automatically updates your channel with any price changes you make, is now supported by the majority of channels. This includes Amazon, eBay, Shopify and many more.
So if you have set it up correctly, why isn't your channel price update working?
Linnworks Channel Price Updates
The most common reasons it is not working:
Not enabled on Channel Integration
Pricing is imported before the mapping / linking of the listing
There has been no change in Linnworks
Not enabled on Channel Integration
You can update the prices on the sales channel with Linnworks. The Inventory - Price Change setting for the channel must be enabled in Settings > Channel Integration > Edit Channel Details in order for the price update to take effect.
Pricing is imported before the mapping / linking of the listing
If you've imported your listings with the channel pricing and then mapped after the import, Linnworks will not make any changes to the listing pricing until there has been a change of pricing within the system. See "There has been no change in Linnworks" below which will explain why and give you the solution.
There has been no change in Linnworks
The price will only be sent by Linnworks if there has been a change. If the pricing stays the same as it was in the system before the import, it won't attempt to send it again.
You can import a price that is +/- 0.01 of the actual price for your listings and then import the correct price again to force a price update for any of your items that had the same price in the system but a different price on the channel.
Essentially when Linnworks detects that the price has changed, it will start the automatic price update.
Linnworks channel prices still not working?
The above are the most common issues we've come across but if you have followed the documentation and are not getting the answers from support, then please contact us and we will be happy to help you.